Introduction to ASP.NET MVC:

ASP.NET MVC is a new web application framework from Microsoft. MVC stands for Model-View-Controller, a pattern that’s becoming increasingly popular with web development frameworks. ASP.NET MVC is an alternative and a complement to Web Forms, which means you won’t be dealing with pages and controls, postbacks or view state, or complicated ASP.NET event life cycle.
Basically, MVC is a framework methodology that divides an application's implementation into three component roles: models, views, and controllers. Hence in MVC you need to play with controllers, actions, and views.
MVC Pattern
The Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern is an adaptation of a pattern generated from the Smalltalk community in the 1970s by Trygve Reenskaug. It was popularized for use on the web with the advent of Ruby on Rails in 2003.

1.   Model
Models in a MVC based application are the components of the application that are responsible for maintaining state. Often this state is persisted inside a database for example: we might have a Product class that is used to represent order data from the Products table inside SQL.

2.   View
Views in a MVC based application are the components responsible for displaying the application's user interface. Typically this UI is created off of the model data for example: we might create an Product "Edit" view that surfaces textboxes, dropdowns and checkboxes based on the current state of a Product object.

3.   Controller
Controllers in a MVC based application are the components responsible for handling end user interaction, manipulating the model, and ultimately choosing a view to render to display UI. In a MVC application the view is only about displaying information - it is the controller that handles and responds to user input and interaction.

ASP.NET MVC Web Application Advantages
The ASP.NET MVC Framework is a new framework and have the following advantages over Web Forms approach (means over ASP.Net):

1.   Separation of concern
In ASP.NET MVC the application is divided to Model, View and Controller parts which make it easier to manage the application complexity.

2.   TDD
The ASP.NET MVC framework brings better support to test-driven development.

3.   Extensible and pluggable
ASP.NET MVC framework components were designed to be pluggable and extensible and therefore can be replaced or customized easier then Web Forms.

4.   Full control over application behavior
ASP.NET MVC framework doesn’t use View State or server based forms like Web Forms. This gives the application developer more control over the behaviors of the application and also reduces the bandwidth of requests to the server.

5.   ASP.NET features are supported
ASP.NET MVC framework is built on top of ASP.NET and therefore can use most of the features that ASP.NET include such as the providers architecture, authentication and authorization scenarios, membership and roles, caching, session and more.

6.   URL routing mechanism
ASP.NET MVC framework supports a powerful URL routing mechanism that helps to build a more comprehensible and searchable URLs in your application. This mechanism helps to the application to be more addressable from the eyes of search engines and clients and can help in search engine optimization.

The ASP.NET MVC simplifies the complex parts of Web Forms without any compromise of the power and flexibility of ASP.NET platform. MVC implements Model-View-Controller UI pattern for web application development that lets you allows to develop applications in a loosely couples manner. MVC pattern is separating the application in three parts- Model, View and Controller.

Difference between Asp.Net MVC and Web Forms

Asp.Net Web Forms
Asp.Net MVC
Asp.Net Web Form follows a traditional event driven development model.
Asp.Net MVC is a lightweight and follow MVC (Model, View, and Controller) pattern based development model.
Asp.Net Web Form has server controls.
Asp.Net MVC has html helpers.
Asp.Net Web Form supports view state for state management at client side.
Asp.Net MVC does not support view state.
Asp.Net Web Form has file-based URLs means file name exist in the URLs must have its physically existence.
Asp.Net MVC has route-based URLs means URLs are divided into controllers and actions and moreover it is based on controller not on physical file.
Asp.Net Web Form follows Web Forms Syntax
Asp.Net MVC follow customizable syntax (Razor as default)
In Asp.Net Web Form, Web Forms (ASPX) i.e. views are tightly coupled to Code behind (ASPX.CS) i.e. logic.
In Asp.Net MVC, Views and logic are kept separately.
Asp.Net Web Form has Master Pages for consistent look and feels.
Asp.Net MVC has Layouts for consistent look and feels.
Asp.Net Web Form has User Controls for code re-usability.
Asp.Net MVC has Partial Views for code re-usability.
Asp.Net Web Form has built-in data controls and best for rapid development with powerful data access.
Asp.Net MVC is lightweight, provide full control over markup and support many features that allow fast & agile development. Hence it is best for developing interactive web application with latest web standards. MVC Request Life Cycle
While programming with MVC, you should be aware of the life of an MVC request from birth to death. In this article, I am going to expose the MVC Request Life cycle. There are seven main steps that happen when you make a request to MVC web applications. 

Routing in Asp.Net MVC

Basically, Routing is a pattern matching system that monitors the incoming request and figure out what to do with that request. At runtime, Routing engine use the Route table for matching the incoming request's URL pattern against the URL patterns defined in the Route table. You can register one or more URL patterns to the Route table at Application_Start event. MVC5 also supports attribute routing

Define Route :

1.  public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
2.  {
3.   routes.MapRoute(
4.       "Default", // Route name
5.       "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // Route Pattern
6.        new{controller="Home",action="Index",id=UrlParameter.Optional}                             
7.        // Default values for above defined parameters
8.   );
9.  }
11.protected void Application_Start()
13.     RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes);
14.     //To:DO

Matching URLs
Request URL
controller=Home, action=Index, id=none, Since default value of controller and action are Home and Index respectively.
controller=Product, action=Index, id=none, Since default value of action is Index
controller=Product, action=Price, id=none
controller= Product, action=Price, id=1234567
No Match Found

Return View() vs Return RedirectToAction() vs Return Redirect() vs Return RedirectToRoute()

Return View()

This tells MVC to generate HTML to be displayed for the specified view and sends it to the browser. This acts like as Server.Transfer() in Asp.Net WebForm.

Return RedirectToAction()

This tells MVC to redirect to specified action instead of rendering HTML. In this case, browser receives the redirect notification and makes a new request for the specified action. This acts like as Response.Redirect() in Asp.Net WebForm.
Moreover, RedirectToAction construct a redirect url to a specific action/controller in your application and use the route table to generate the correct URL. RedirectToAction cause the browser to receive a 302 redirect within your application and gives you an easier way to work with your route table.

Return Redirect()

This tells MVC to redirect to specified URL instead of rendering HTML. In this case, browser receives the redirect notification and makes a new request for the specified URL. This also acts like as Response.Redirect() in Asp.Net WebForm. In this case, you have to specify the full URL to redirect.
Moreover, Redirect also causes the browser to receive a 302 redirect within your application, but you have to construct the URLs yourself.

Return RedirectToRoute()

This tells MVC to look up the specifies route into the Route table that is defined in global.asax and then redirect to that controller/action defined in that route. This also make a new request like RedirectToAction().

Defined Route

1.  public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
2.  {
3.   routes.MapRoute(
4.   "MyRoute", // Route name
5.   "Account/", // URL 
6.    new{controller="Account",action="Login"} // Parameter defaults
7.   );
9.   routes.MapRoute(
10. "Default", // Route name
11. "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
12.  new{controller="Home",action="MyIndex",id=UrlParameter.Optional} // Parameter defaults
13. );

Note:1. Return View doesn't make a new requests, it just renders the view without changing URLs in the browser's address bar.
2. Return RedirectToAction makes a new requests and URL in the browser's address bar is updated with the generated URL by MVC.
3. Return Redirect also makes a new request and URL in the browser's address bar is updated, but you have to specify the full URL to redirect
4. Between RedirectToAction and Redirect, best practice is to use RedirectToAction for anything dealing with your application actions/controllers. If you use Redirect and provide the URL, you'll need to modify those URLs manually when you change the route table.
5. RedirectToRoute redirects to a specific route defined in the Route table.

What’s HTML Helpers in ASP.NET MVC?

 HTML Helper is just a method that returns a HTML string. The string can represent any type of content that you want. For example, you can use HTML Helpers to render standard HTML tags like HTML <input>, <button> and <img> tags etc.
You can also create your own HTML Helpers to render more complex content such as a menu strip or an HTML table for displaying database data.

Different types of HTML Helpers

There are three types of HTML helpers as given below:

·       Inline Html Helpers

These are creating in the same view by using the Razor @helper tag. These helpers can be reused only on the same view.

1.   @helper ListingItems(string[] items)
2.   {
3.        <ol>
4.          @foreach (string item in items)
5.          {
6.              <li>@item</li>
7.          }
8.       </ol>
9.   }
11.<h3>Programming Languages:</h3>
13.@ListingItems(new string[] { "C", "C++", "C#" })
15.<h3>Book List:</h3>
17.@ListingItems(new string[] { "How to C", "how to C++", "how to C#" })

·       Built-In Html Helpers

Built-In Html Helpers are extension methods on the HtmlHelper class. The Built-In Html helpers can be divided into three categories-

1)   Standard Html Helpers

These helpers are used to render the most common types of HTML elements like as HTML text boxes, checkboxes etc. For example for TextBox

@Html.TextBox("Textbox1", "val") 
Output: <input id="Textbox1" name="Textbox1" type="text" value="val" />

2)   Strongly Typed HTML Helpers

These helpers are used to render the most common types of HTML elements in strongly typed view like as HTML text boxes, checkboxes etc. The HTML elements are created based on model properties.
The strongly typed HTML helpers work on lambda expression. The model object is passed as a value to lambda expression, and you can select the field or property from model object to be used to set the id, name and value attributes of the HTML helper. For example for TextBox

Output: <input id="Name" name="Name" type="text" value="Name-val" />

3)   Templated HTML Helpers

These helpers figure out what HTML elements are required to render based on properties of your model class. This is a very flexible approach for displaying data to the user, although it requires some initial care and attention to set up. To setup proper HTML element with Templated HTML Helper, make use of DataType attribute of DataAnnitation class.
For example, when you use DataType as Password, A templated helper automatically render Password type HTML input element.For example for EditorFor:
Strongly typed version of the previous helper 
Html.EditorFor(m => m. Name)

·       Custom Html Helpers

You can also create your own custom helper methods by creating an extension method on the HtmlHelper class or by creating static methods with in a utility class.

1.  public static class CustomHelpers
2.  {
3.       //Submit Button Helper
4.       public static MvcHtmlString SubmitButton(this HtmlHelper 
5.       helper, string  buttonText)
6.       {
7.            string str = "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" + 
8.                         buttonText + "\" />";
9.            return new MvcHtmlString(str);
10.   }
12.   //Readonly Strongly-Typed TextBox Helper
13.   public static MvcHtmlString TextBoxFor<TModel, TValue>(this 
14.   HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper, Expression<Func<TModel, TValue>>
15.   expression, bool isReadonly)
16.   {
17.        MvcHtmlString html = default(MvcHtmlString);
19.        if (isReadonly)
20.        {
21. html = System.Web.Mvc.Html.InputExtensions.TextBoxFor(htmlHelper,
22. expression, new { @class = "readOnly",@readonly = "read-only" });
23.         }
24.         else
25.   {
27.    html=System.Web.Mvc.Html.InputExtensions.TextBoxFor(htmlHelper,
28.     expression);
29.         }
31.       return html;
32.     }
33.   }

Layouts, RenderBody, RenderSection and RenderPage in ASP.NET MVC

Layouts are used to maintain a consistent look and feel across multiple views within ASP.NET MVC application. As compared to Web Forms, layouts serve the same purpose as master pages, but offer a simple syntax and greater flexibility.

Basic structure of Layout Page

1.  <!DOCTYPE html>
2.  <html>
3.    <head>
4.       <meta charset="utf-8" />
5.       <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
6.       <title>@ViewBag.Title</title>
7.       @Styles.Render("~/Content/css")
8.       @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/modernizr")
9.    </head>
11.    @RenderBody()
12.    @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jquery")
13.    @RenderSection("scripts", required: false)
14. </body>
In Asp.Net MVC, at application level we have _ViewStart file with in Views folder for defining the default Layout page for your ASP.NET MVC application.

Styles.Render and Scripts.Render

Style.Render is used to render a bundle of CSS files defined within BundleConfig.cs files. Styles.Render create style tag(s) for the CSS bundle. Like Style.Render, Scripts.Render is also used to render a bundle of Script files by rendering script tag(s) for the Script bundle.
1.  public class BundleConfig
2.  {
3.   public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
4.   {
5.   bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryval").Include(
6.   "~/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive*",
7.   "~/Scripts/jquery.validate*"));
9.   bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/themes/base/css").Include(
10. "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.core.css",
11. "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.resizable.css",
12. "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.selectable.css",
13. "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.button.css",
14. "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.dialog.css",
15. "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.theme.css"));
16. }

1. Styles.Render and Scripts.Render generate multiple style and script tags for each item in the CSS bundle and Script bundle when optimizations are disabled.
2. When optimizations are enabled, Styles.Render and Scripts.Render generate a single style and script tag to a version-stamped URL which represents the entire bundle for CSS and Scripts.

You can enable and disable optimizations by setting EnableOptimizations property of BundleTable class to true or false with in Global.asax.cs file as shown below.
1.  protected void Application_Start() {
2.   //Other code has been removed for clarity
3.   System.Web.Optimization.BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = false;
4.  }



A section allows you to specify a region of content within a layout. It expects one parameter which is the name of the section. If you don’t provide that, an exception will be thrown. A section in a layout page can be defined by using the following code.
1.  @section header{
2.  <h1>Header Content</h1>
3.  }
You can render above defined section header on the content page as given below:
1.  @RenderSection("header")
By default, sections are mandatory. To make sections optional, just provides the second parameter value as false, which is a Boolean value.
1.  @RenderSection("header",false)


A view can define only those sections that are referred to in the layout page otherwise an exception will be thrown.


RenderBody method exists in the Layout page to render child page/view. It is just like the ContentPlaceHolder in master page. A layout page can have only one RenderBody method.
1.   @RenderBody()


RenderPage method also exists in the Layout page to render other page exists in your application. A layout page can have multiple RenderPage method.
1.  @RenderPage("~/Views/Shared/_Header.cshtml")

Helper Methods MVC has the following Built-in ActionResults Type and Helper methods:

1.   ViewResult
Returns a ViewResult which renders the specified or default view by using controller View() helper method.
2.   PartialViewResult
Returns a PartialViewResult which renders the specified or default partial view (means a view without its layout) by using controller PartialView() helper method.
3.   RedirectResult
Returns a RedirectResult which Issues an HTTP 301 or 302 redirection to a specific URL by using controller Redirect() helper method.
4.   RedirectToRouteResult
Returns a RedirectToRouteResult which Issues an HTTP 301 or 302 redirection to an action method or specific route entry by using controller RedirectToAction(), RedirectToActionPermanent(), RedirectToRoute(), RedirectToRoutePermanent() helper methods.
5.   ContentResult
Returns a ContentResult which renders raw text like as "Hello, DotNet Tricks!" by using controller Content() helper method.
6.   JsonResult
Returns a JsonResult which serializes an object in JSON format ( like as "{ "Message": Hello, World! }") and renders it by using controller Json() helper method.
7.   JavaScriptResult
Returns a JavaScriptResult which renders a snippet of JavaScript code like as "function hello() { alert(Hello, World!); }" by using controller JavaScript() helper method. This is used only in AJAX scenarios.
8.   FileResult
Returns a FileResult which renders the contents of a file like as PDF, DOC, Excel etc. by using controller File() helper method.
9.   EmptyResult
Returns no result returned by an action. This has no controller helper method.
10.   HttpNotFoundResult
Returns an HttpNotFoundResult which renders a 404 HTTP Status Code response by using controller HttpNotFound() helper method.
11.   HttpUnauthorizedResult
Returns an HttpUnauthorizedResult which renders a 401 HTTP Status Code(means "not authorized") response. This has no controller helper method. This is used for authentication (forms authentication or Windows authentication) to ask the user to log in.
12.   HttpStatusCodeResult
Return an HttpStatusCodeResult which renders a specified HTTP code response. This has no controller helper method.

MVC Data Annotations for Model Validation

Data validation is a key aspect for developing web application. In MVC, we can easily apply validation to web application by using Data Annotation attribute classes to model class. Data Annotation attribute classes are present in System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace and are available to projects like web application & website, MVC, Web forms and also to Entity framework form models.
Data Annotations help us to define the rules to the model classes or properties for data validation and displaying suitable messages to end users.
Data Annotation Validator Attributes
1.   DataType
Specify the datatype of a property
2.   DisplayName
Specify the display name for a property.
3.   DisplayFormat
Specify the display format for a property like different format for Date proerty.
4.   Required
Specify a property as required.
5.   ReqularExpression
Validate the value of a property by specified regular expression pattern.
6.   Range
Validate the value of a property within a specified range of values.
7.   StringLength
Specify min and max length for a string property.
8.   MaxLength
Specify max length for a string property.
9.   Bind
Specify fields to include or exclude when adding parameter or form values to model properties.
10.   ScaffoldColumn
Specify fields for hiding from editor forms.
11.   UIHint
Assign a partial view to attributes.

Designing the model with Data Annotations
1.  using System.ComponentModel;
2.  using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
3.  using System.Web.Mvc;
4.  namespace Employee.Models
5.  {
6.   [Bind(Exclude = "EmpId")]
7.   public class Employee
8.   {
9.    [ScaffoldColumn(false)]
10. public int EmpId { get; set; }
12. [DisplayName("Employee Name")]
13. [Required(ErrorMessage = "Employee Name is required")]
14. [StringLength(100,MinimumLength=3)]
15. public String EmpName { get; set; }
17. }
Once we have defined validation to the model by using data annotations, these are automatically used by Html Helpers in views. For client side validation to work, please ensure that below two <SCRIPT> tag references are in the view.
1.   <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.validate.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
2.  <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
Presenting the model in the view
1.   @model Employee.Models
2.  @{
3.   ViewBag.Title = "Employee Details";
4.   Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
5.   }
6.   @using (Html.BeginForm())
7.   {
8.   <div class="editor-label">
9.   @Html.LabelFor(m => m.EmpName)
10. </div>
11. <div class="editor-field">
12. @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.EmpName)
13. @Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.EmpName)
14. </div>
15. <p> <input type="submit" value="Save" />
16. </p>

Some Tips for using ViewModel
·         In ViewModel put only those fields/data that you want to display on the view/page.
·         Since view represents the properties of the ViewModel, hence it is easy for rendering and maintenance.
·         Use a mapper when ViewModel become more complex.

ViewData vs ViewBag vs TempData vs Session

 ASP.NET MVC there are three ways - ViewData, ViewBag and TempData to pass data from controller to view and in next request. Like WebForm, you can also use Session to persist data during a user session. Now question is that when to use ViewData, VieBag, TempData and Session. Each of them has its own importance.
1.       ViewData is a dictionary object that is derived from ViewDataDictionary class.
1.  public ViewDataDictionary ViewData { get; set; }
2.       ViewData is a property of ControllerBase class.
3.       ViewData is used to pass data from controller to corresponding view.
4.       Its life lies only during the current request.
5.       If redirection occurs then its value becomes null.
6.       It’s required typecasting for getting data and check for null values to avoid error.
1.       ViewBag is a dynamic property that takes advantage of the new dynamic features in C# 4.0.
2.       Basically it is a wrapper around the ViewData and also used to pass data from controller to corresponding view.
1.  public Object ViewBag { get; }
3.       ViewBag is a property of ControllerBase class.
4.       Its life also lies only during the current request.
5.       If redirection occurs then its value becomes null.
6.       It doesn’t required typecasting for getting data.


1.       TempData is a dictionary object that is derived from TempDataDictionary class and stored in short lives session.
1.  public TempDataDictionary TempData { get; set; }
2.       TempData is a property of ControllerBase class.
3.       TempData is used to pass data from current request to subsequent request (means redirecting from one page to another).
4.       Its life is very short and lies only till the target view is fully loaded.
5.       It’s required typecasting for getting data and check for null values to avoid error.
6.       It is used to store only one time messages like error messages, validation messages.

1.       Session is an object that is derived from HttpSessionState class.
1.  public HttpSessionState Session { get; }
2.       Session is a property of HttpContext class.
3.       Session is also used to pass data within the ASP.NET MVC application and Unlike TempData, it never expires.
4.       Session is valid for all requests, not for a single redirect.
5.       It’s also required typecasting for getting data and check for null values to avoid error.

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